Receive Food Assistance

If you need food assistance, we invite you to contact the food assistance organization closest to your home. Moisson Outaouais does not offer food directly to individuals. Please use the following interactive map to find the nearest help center in your area.

Available services :

  • Local food bank and food assistance: regular food donations (e.g. once a week) at pre-determined times
  • Soup kitchen : free meals on site
  • Shared fridge : shared food surplus

Do you need help using the interactive map ? Give us a call at 819 669-2000 and we’ll gladly help you.

Moisson Outaouais Network

Each week, Moisson Outaouais supplies food to 71 community organizations and partners which then redistribute it directly to individuals in need. Enter your home address to find the nearest help center in your area.

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